Just like that, 2017 has come to an end. It feels silly to say that it went by too quickly but it really did. We really didn't get as much done this year as we wanted to, there just didn't seem to be enough time but we're still pretty proud about what we did get done. 

We started 2017 feeling motivated. We spent the beginning of the year organizing the website you're currently reading this on. We finally bought our URL and became a dot com. On 4/20 our new website went live and the response was amazing. We published 35 articles in 2017, they consisted of features, submissions and interviews. We talked about art, music and even some important current events! Our bestie, Conny Ramirez, wrote about the importance of DACA  , we featured artists from outside the state like Marie Conigliaro  and Anna Sophiea Olivier  who's from another country. We also wrote about people we admire, like The Venus Collective  and Leisure Life .  We had the opportunity to write about people and things that matter to us and for that we are grateful.  

The highlight of the year was Loitering Encouraged, an art show that we curated at Stay Gallery that featured local artists and musicians. There was such a great turnout! It was a great feeling to see so many people come out to support not only us, but the artists that worked so hard for the show. We had 6 artists hang their work on the walls and 5 bands play during our opening reception. It was something we'd never done before, it was exciting and stressful and we're probably going to do it again in 2018. 

If it weren't for you, the person reading this, none of this would have been possible, so thank you so much for taking time to read our content, we appreciate you.  

We have a couple of resolutions for Carolina & Alex but the most important one is we're focusing on talking less and doing more (this is ironic, right? lmao).  Last year, we hoped 2017 was full of more collaborations and more genuine connections with other creatives, and it was. We know 2018 will only get better. 

2018, we're ready for you.